Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

This has been a crazy couple of weeks around here!!! I have been busy, busy, busy making cards, gift tags, and gift card holders for the upcoming Craft Fair. It is this Saturday, November 14th at Alex Hope Elementary School from 9:30 to 3:00. 21150 85th Ave in Walnut Grove. So far I have 111 cards made, 50 gift tags and 22 gift card holders. My craft room looks like a Hallmark cutting room the day after the Christmas Cards get shipped to the stores!!! Just a little bit of Christmas Chaos!!! Please if you have time, stop by the craft fair on Saturday and pick up some Christmas cards. I also have two 12x12 wall hangings and 2 "card keeper" albums. Lots to see. I will also be taking orders for wall hangings and Christmas cards as well as the usual invites, thank you cards etc.... Come on out and have a look!!

On another note, my blog is up to almost 350 visits. Thank you to all of you for your support, I love looking to see how many people have been looking at my site. It is a fantastic boost to my ego!!

Here is just a small sample of the stock I will have at the Craft Fair.

I know it is a little early, but with all the Christmas spirit in the craft room it makes me feel like it "tis the season already!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

'Tis the Season......

Here is my first batch of Christmas cards. The first group I did today in preparation for the Craft Fair at Alex Hope Elementary that I am attending on the 14th. The next groups are the cards we did at my Card Group. I certainly can't take credit for the designs of those Card Group cards, our leader is a star!!! I think the combinations are beautiful and I can recreate almost all of them, so if there are any that you like let me know and I will see what I can come up with. L. you rock!!! I couldn't do cards like I do if it weren't for all your help over the years!! What would we do without you?! I hope you all like the selections, and remember to come out and have a peak at the craft fair November 14th!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where To Find Me

I spent this past weekend at the BC Crop For Kids. A fundraiser for Children's Hospital. What a great event! Friday I made 25 Christmas cards in just over 1 1/2 hours! It was crazy. I can't wait to make a whole bunch more to show you! Then on Saturday night we had two great card classes. Not 25 in less than 2 hours, but great classes none the less!! I will get busy this week and get a whole bunch made to show you. Coming up on November 14th I will be at the Christmas Craft Fair at Alex Hope Elementary. Come on out and have a look at my stock. You will be able to purchase from what is on hand, as well as place custom orders. Now is the time to get your orders in for Christmas Cards!! I will also have that beautiful 12x12 wall hanging on display, that I made for my friend for her birthday. As well as a couple of card keeper albums, always a great idea for storing cards for birthdays and occasions through the year. So mark the date on your calendars - November 14th at Alex Hope Elementary in Walnut Grove in Langley.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Few New Pictures

Here are a few more pictures. I have been busy getting some cards made so that I have lots of stock for an upcoming Craft Fair. I will post details closer to the date. Tomorrow night I am starting on Christmas cards, so although it is early, if anyone would like Christmas cards, please let me know soon, because before we know it, it will be on top of us, and I won't have the time to complete orders. I hope you like the ones I have added. More to come soon!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, with some quiet moments to truly be Thankful for all the blessings in your life. I know I did!!! I had a great family dinner last night at my cousins house. Thanksgiving Turkey is the best one of the year. It's the first one in the season of Turkey. It is always so nice to see the Aunt's, Uncle's and Cousins all together at holiday dinners. Tonight I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with two special friends and their families. Great food, great laughs and really great people!! I also spent some time this weekend making some new cards. A friend asked me to make a wedding card for her so I got going and made a couple and then kept on truckin'. I pulled out a stamp set that I haven't looked at in a long time. They turned out pretty good. I will keep going and get some more made. All in all a great weekend, with so much to be Thankful for. Thank you to all of you for checking my blog, and supporting me. I love to make cards "on demand" so just let me know if you need anything.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Made it to 200!!!!

No new cards yet, but I just have to tell you all, I just did a little happy dance around my den/craft room!!!! Thank you to all of you! I have had over 200 visitors to my blog. Wow!! 200 views! Who knew anyone would want to look at cards by me!! Thank you!!! Just made my day!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ok, so I saw this layout for a card over the summer and thought I would try it. I have made about 5 cards this way now, and I really like how they turned out. It's a fun layout. The last one was just a way to use the polka dot paper and the butterfly. Now that school is back in, and September is almost over I should have some more time to work on cards. I have taken on the position of Pac President at my kids school and that has kept me running for all of September. I am hoping that October slows down to a slow jog, and then I can make some time for sitting at this desk making cards. Keep checking back, I will add new pic's whenever I have anything made. And, once I have some inventory built up I am going to get them into the two stores that I hinted at in the spring. Happy Fall Everyone!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Cards

Here are those baby cards I was promising. The baby that I was making them for is just perfect!!! Gorgeous! Cheryl, you make beautiful babies!!! Makes me want to do it all over again!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

End of Summer

Well, everyone, I have some new VERY cute baby cards to post. The problem is, our computer, or camera, depending on which we are currently blaming, is having technical difficulties! The computer won't read the camera, so the cute pic's I have just have to stay in camera memory. The real pain is that the memory card in the camera is full, so as summer comes to a close I can't take any pictures of my extremely cute children! Anyway, keep checking back and as soon as we figure out this little dilemma, I will post some pic's for you!! Enjoy your last weekend of summer!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

As summer comes to a close, we have moved to our new house and finally feel like we are "Home!" The kids are thrilled to be moved, my hubby is working like crazy at all those little odd jobs that come with moving, and I am just so happy to be in the neighbourhood! I made a career decision this summer too, and am now again, staying home with the boys and focusing on my family which leaves me lots of time to work on cards. I should, right now, really be unpacking, but thought since I am finally in the triple digits of visitors to this blog, that it was time to add some new stuff. Although our summer has been a little hectic, I have had some time to make a few cards for some special, and one sad, occasions. I am also going to be making the baby announcements for a very good friend who is expecting her third little boy in just a few weeks. I will be sure to post one of those once they have her approval too.

As we head back to school and into fall I will soon have some more selection made for you to see on here, as well as some box sets for all occasion. I will also be selling my cards in "Walnut Grove Vacuum" once I get some made. I will be sure to post on here once they are available.

Enjoy the last few lazy days of summer everyone, it will too soon be back to the routine and craziness of the fall.

Picture for a Friend

This is a 12" x 12" wall picture that I made for a good friend of mine for her Birthday this spring. She commented on this particular card and said how nice it would look as "wall art." I thought it sounded like a good idea so I tried it out. I love how it turned out. It took some creative photocopying and cutting but in the end turned out great!! They are available for order, so let me know if you would like one or something similar. Not all cards would work large, but I can always try!! I hope you all like it as much as she and I do!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Teachers and Thank You's

June is a month filled with Goodbyes and Thank Yous. Most of the cards in this posting are for my children's teachers, coaches, team parents and other people we wanted to thank. As well as one for a friend who is moving away. And of course, a baby shower. I hope you like them. After this post there won't be any for a while. We are moving in a couple of weeks, and then not into our house for a few weeks after that, so until we get moved in and settled I won't be adding any cards. I will be lucky if I get any time to even get any made!! Check back late in the summer and I will give you an update! Have a great summer everyone, and thanks for checking in with me!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Pictures

New Pictures......... Tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Chaos

Hi Everyone,

I see that a few people have been checking for new cards. I actually have a few to download - Teachers cards and birthday - but after that I am going to have a bit of a hiatus. We are moving this summer, and have a 5 week stint of being homeless, so my stuff is heading for storage. As soon as we get moved in, and my "Craft Room" is set up, I will get to it and get a big batch of cards made. I am hoping to make some Box Sets for Christmas, for you to either give out as individual cards, or give away the whole box as a gift. I am also still working on getting some cards into two stores in Walnut Grove and Fort Langley, but with this move that will have to wait until the fall as well. Throughout the summer if I do get any made I will put up pictures, so keep checking in to see what has been added. Thanks everyone for the support, and I will keep on Stampin as much as I can over the summer!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What's Next

Thank you everyone for all of your support for Mother's Day. I sold every card that I made!! Now I am going to get working on some general all occasion cards and on Father's Day. I am also going to be selling my cards in two stores. Details to follow. Thanks again everyone, and Happy Mother's Day!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Something Different

Just something different. I had to make a 25th Anniversary card for a friend and had never really had to incorporate numbers. Turned out pretty good. Hope you like it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mothers Day Cards Part 1

Here is the first batch of Mother's Day Cards. Some of them are already spoken for, but if you see something you like just let me know. I can't always make it in exactly the same paper and color, but I can always use the same layout for another card. Have a peak. Hope you like them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mother's Day to come.....

I am going to get going on Mother's Day cards ASAP!! I will post photos as soon as I get some done.