Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

As summer comes to a close, we have moved to our new house and finally feel like we are "Home!" The kids are thrilled to be moved, my hubby is working like crazy at all those little odd jobs that come with moving, and I am just so happy to be in the neighbourhood! I made a career decision this summer too, and am now again, staying home with the boys and focusing on my family which leaves me lots of time to work on cards. I should, right now, really be unpacking, but thought since I am finally in the triple digits of visitors to this blog, that it was time to add some new stuff. Although our summer has been a little hectic, I have had some time to make a few cards for some special, and one sad, occasions. I am also going to be making the baby announcements for a very good friend who is expecting her third little boy in just a few weeks. I will be sure to post one of those once they have her approval too.

As we head back to school and into fall I will soon have some more selection made for you to see on here, as well as some box sets for all occasion. I will also be selling my cards in "Walnut Grove Vacuum" once I get some made. I will be sure to post on here once they are available.

Enjoy the last few lazy days of summer everyone, it will too soon be back to the routine and craziness of the fall.

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