Friday, June 4, 2010

Big News, Big Changes!!

Hi Everyone,

Wow, I'm a little late, but welcome to 2010!!

Seems like it has been a really, really long time since I have sat down and updated this blog, let alone had time to actually sit down and make some cards. Since the last time I updated this site on top of finding time to create cards, I have gone back to work. I am now working as a Travel Agent for a company called Accent on Travel. Hopefully all of you out there will be ready to go on a holiday soon, and will give me a call so I can send you on your way. I am still making cards when I can fit in the time, but it seems that between three little boys playing baseball, my first year as President of the PAC at our school and now working, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day. I did just recently create the invite to our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at our school and with the help of some fabulous ladies, made 60 of them for our luncheon. I'll post a picture of that as soon as I take one. I do have pictures of the last few cards I have made, and will add some in the next few days. I will definitely still take orders, and still love making them, it just seems like now I make them on demand, more than just for the sake of making them. Please don't hesitate to phone or email me though, if you need a card or cards for a certain occasion. I also have cards available at a store in Fort Langley called DD Booski's. She is located at #2-9045 Church Street. Stop in a pick up a card, and check out her cool clothes while you are there.

And, another idea, if you happen to be ready to go on a holiday, give me a call, send me an email, drop me a line!! I also have a Facebook page - Karen Moore Accent on Travel. You can reach me at

Thanks for checking my blog. I'll have to split my focus now between travel tales and card creations, but that may just spice things up a little. Maybe I'll make some Bon Voyage cards to tie it all together!! Thanks for reading, and I'll be back with card pictures soon!!!


  1. Hey Babe! Nice to see you back! You forgot to post the most important card of all---your business card!!

    Thanks for being a fab PAC President! You rock!!

    Love ya!!

  2. I was pleasantly surprised to see a post....but always happy to have another blog to read. And I knew the first comment would be from Lisa. You two have been a great team at the school - I have enjoyed doing 'school stuff' with both of you.

    Great job on your first year as PAC president. Congratulations on your new job. And hopefully sometime we'll book a trip with you. Do you do Travel Insurance as well?

    That was fun making all the cards for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon - I am sure they appreciated the personal invite, and the effort that went into making each one! You are very talented!!

    And that is my you love comments as much as Lisa?
