Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Made it to 200!!!!

No new cards yet, but I just have to tell you all, I just did a little happy dance around my den/craft room!!!! Thank you to all of you! I have had over 200 visitors to my blog. Wow!! 200 views! Who knew anyone would want to look at cards by me!! Thank you!!! Just made my day!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ok, so I saw this layout for a card over the summer and thought I would try it. I have made about 5 cards this way now, and I really like how they turned out. It's a fun layout. The last one was just a way to use the polka dot paper and the butterfly. Now that school is back in, and September is almost over I should have some more time to work on cards. I have taken on the position of Pac President at my kids school and that has kept me running for all of September. I am hoping that October slows down to a slow jog, and then I can make some time for sitting at this desk making cards. Keep checking back, I will add new pic's whenever I have anything made. And, once I have some inventory built up I am going to get them into the two stores that I hinted at in the spring. Happy Fall Everyone!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Cards

Here are those baby cards I was promising. The baby that I was making them for is just perfect!!! Gorgeous! Cheryl, you make beautiful babies!!! Makes me want to do it all over again!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

End of Summer

Well, everyone, I have some new VERY cute baby cards to post. The problem is, our computer, or camera, depending on which we are currently blaming, is having technical difficulties! The computer won't read the camera, so the cute pic's I have just have to stay in camera memory. The real pain is that the memory card in the camera is full, so as summer comes to a close I can't take any pictures of my extremely cute children! Anyway, keep checking back and as soon as we figure out this little dilemma, I will post some pic's for you!! Enjoy your last weekend of summer!!!!